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The Pennsylvania State Univ
2251 - Spring 2025
2255 - Summer 2025
2258 - Fall 2025
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AB - Abington
AL - Altoona
BK - Berks
BR - Beaver
BW - Brandywine
CR - Carlisle
DS - DuBois
ER - Erie
FE - Fayette
GA - Greater Allegheny
GV - Great Valley
HB - Harrisburg
HN - Hazleton
HY - Hershey Med Ctr
LV - Lehigh Valley
MA - Mont Alto
NK - New Kensington
SH - Shenango
SL - Schuylkill
UP - University Park
WB - Wilkes-Barre
WC - World Campus
WS - Scranton
YK - York
ABINGTON - Abington Campus Campus Code: AB
ACECONFCTR - Ace Conference Center Campus Code: UP
ALTOONA - Altoona Campus Campus Code: AL
BEAVER - Beaver Campus Campus Code: BR
BERKS - Berks Campus Campus Code: BK
BRANDYWINE - Brandywine Campus Campus Code: BW
CARLISLE - Carlisle Campus Campus Code: CR
CONFINST - Conference And Institutes Campus Code: UP
CRANBERRY - Cranberry Twp-Regional Learnin Campus Code: ER
DUBOIS - DuBois Campus Campus Code: DS
ERIE - Erie Campus Campus Code: ER
FAYETTE - Fayette Campus Campus Code: FE
GALLEGHENY - Greater Allegheny Campus Campus Code: GA
GVALLEY - Great Valley Campus Campus Code: GV
HARRISBURG - Harrisburg Campus Campus Code: HB
HAZLETON - Hazleton Campus Campus Code: HN
HERSHEY - Hershey Medical Center Campus Code: HB
HERSHEY - Hershey Medical Center Campus Code: HY
HERSHEY - Hershey Medical Center Campus Code: UP
LEHIGHVLLY - Lehigh Valley Campus Campus Code: LV
MALVERN - Malvern Campus Code: AB
MALVERN - Malvern Campus Code: BW
MCCONLSBG - Mc Connellsburg Campus Code: MA
MONTALTO - Mont Alto Campus Campus Code: MA
NKENSING - New Kensington Campus Campus Code: NK
OFFCAMPUS - Off Campus Campus Code: HN
OFFCAMPUS - Off Campus Campus Code: MA
OFFCAMPUS - Off Campus Campus Code: WB
PHILDLPHIA - Philadelphia Campus Code: AB
SCHUYLKILL - Schuylkill Campus Campus Code: SL
SCI BENNER - SCI Benner Campus Code: UP
SHADYGROVE - Shady Grove Campus Code: MA
SHAVERS - Shaver's Creek Environmental Campus Code: UP
SHENANGO - Shenango Campus Campus Code: SH
STUDYABRD - Study Abroad Program Campus Code: UP
STVINHCTR - Saint Vincent Health Center Campus Code: ER
UNIVPARK - University Park Campus Campus Code: UP
WBARRE - Wilkes-Barre Campus Campus Code: WB
WCAMPUS - World Campus Campus Code: WC
WSCRANTON - Scranton Campus Campus Code: WS
YORK - York Campus Campus Code: YK
A-I - Artificial Intelligence
AA - Arts and Architecture
AAS - Asian American Studies
ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis
ABE - Ag and Biological Engineering
ABIOL - Astrobiology
ABSM - Ag & Biorenewable Syst Mgmt
ACCT - Accounting
ACCTG - Accounting
ACS - Acoustics
ADTED - Adult Education
AE - Architectural Engineering
AED - Art Education
AEE - Ag and Extension Education
AEPS - Ag and Envir Plant Science
AERSP - Aerospace Engineering
AFAM - African American Studies
AFR - African Studies
AG - Agriculture
AGBIO - Agricultural Biosecurity
AGBM - Agribusiness Management
AGCOM - Agricultural Communications
AGECO - Agroecology
AGRO - Agronomy
AGSC - Agricultural Science
AIR - Air Force
AMD - Additive Manufacturing and Des
AMST - American Studies
ANAT - Anatomy
ANSC - Animal Science
ANSTH - Anesthesiology
ANTH - Anthropology
APDEM - Applied Demography
APLNG - Applied Linguistics
ARAB - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ARMY - Army
ART - Art
ARTH - Art History
ARTSA - Arts Administration
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASM - Ag Systems Management
ASTRO - Astronomy and Astrophysics
ATHTR - Athletic Training
AYFCE - App Yth Fam and Cm Edu
BA - Business Administration
BADM - Business Administration
BAN - Business Analytics
BAR - Bar
BAREX - Bar Exam Preparation
BARSK - Bar Skills
BBH - Biobehavioral Health
BCHEM - Biological Chemistry
BE - Biological Engineering
BESC - Behavioral Sciences
BE_T - Biomedical Engr Tech
BGEN - Bioinformatics and Genomics
BIOE - Bioengineering
BIOET - Bioethics
BIOL - Biology
BIOST - Biostatistics and Epidemiology
BIOTC - Biotechnology
BISC - Biological Science
BLAW - Business Law
BMB - Biochemistry and Molec Biology
BME - Biomedical Engineering
BMH - Bioethics and Med Humanities
BMMB - Biochm Micrb and Molec Biology
BMS - Biomedical Sciences
BRASS - Music-Brass
BRS - Biorenewable Systems
BUS - Business
BUSAD - Business Administration
BUSLW - Business Law
C-S - Curriculum and Supervision
CAMS - Class and Anc Med Studies
CARES - CardioRespiratory Medicine
CAS - Comm Arts and Sciences
CC - Corporate Communication
CCURR - Co-curricular
CE - Civil Engineering
CED - Comm Env and Development
CEDEV - Community and Econ Dev
CERT - Certificate Course
CET - Civil Engineering Technology
CHE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHNS - Chinese
CI - Curriculum and Instruction
CIED - Comp and Internatnl Ed
CIVCM - Civic and Community Engagement
CJPA - Criminal Justice Policy and Ad
CMAS - Child Maltr & Advoc
CMED - Comparative Medicine
CMLIT - Comparative Literature
CMPEH - Computer Engineering
CMPEN - Computer Engineering
CMPET - Computer Engineering Tech
CMPSC - Computer Science
CNED - Counselor Education
COCR - Co-Curricular Activities
COMM - Communications
COMMS - Communications
COMP - Computer Science
CONLW - Constitutional Law
CONSD - Consolidation
CRIM - Criminology
CRIMJ - Criminal Justice
CRMLW - Criminal Law
CSD - Comm Sci and Disorders
CSE - Computer Science and Engr
CSR - Clinical Scientist Research
CST - Clinical Scientist Training
CTS - Clinical and Transcien
CYBER - Cybersecurity Analytics and Op
DA - Data Analytics
DAAN - Data Analytics
DANCE - Dance
DART - Digital Arts
DEMOG - Demography
DERM - Dermatology
DIGIT - Digit Media Arts Tec
DMD - Digital Multimedia Design
DS - Data Sciences
EA - Enterprise Architecture
EARTH - Earth Sciences
EBF - Energy Business and Finance
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECLGY - Ecology
ECON - Economics
EDAB - Tmp Educ Abroad Reg
EDCE - Educ Dev and Comm Engage
EDLDR - Educational Leadership Program
EDMTH - Education Mathematics
EDPSY - Educational Psychology
EDSGN - Engineering Design
EDTHP - Educ Theory and Policy
EDUC - Education
EE - Electrical Engineering
EEFE - Energy Environment Food Eco
EET - Electrical Engineering Tech
EGEE - Energy/Geo-Envir Eng
EGT - Engineering Graphics Tech
ELECT - Elective
EMCH - Engineering Mechanics
EME - Energy and Mineral Engineering
EMED - Emergency Medicine
EMET - Electro-Mech Eng Technology
EMGT - Ecosystem Management
EMSC - Earth and Mineral Sciences
ENGL - English
ENGMT - Engineering Management
ENGR - Engineering
ENNEC - Engy, Envrn, and Mn Econ
ENT - Entomology
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ENVE - Environmental Engineering
ENVR - Environmental Law
ENVSC - Environmental Science
ENVSE - Environ System Engineering
ENVST - Environmental Studies
EPID - Epidemiology
EPL - Education Policy & Leadership
ERM - Environmental Resource Mgmt
ESC - Engineering Science
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESP - Energy & Sustainability Policy
ET - Engineering Technology
ETI - Enterprise Tech Integration
EXPCL - Experiential Clinic
EXPIN - Experiential Internship
EXPR - Experiential Learning
EXPSK - Experiential Skills
EXTRN - Externship Placement
FCMED - Family and Community Medicine
FDSC - Food Science
FDSYS - Food Systems
FESTL - Family/Estate Law
FIN - Finance
FINAN - Financial Analysis
FOR - Forestry
FORM - Form and Function
FORT - Forest Technology
FPCC - Founda Patient Cente
FR - French
FRNAR - Forensic Arts
FRNSC - Forensic Science
FSC - Fuel Science
GAME - Gaming
GD - Graphic Design
GENET - Genetics
GEODZ - Geodesign
GEOG - Geography
GEOSC - Geosciences
GER - German
GH - Global Health
GI - Gastroenterology
GLIS - Global and Intl Stud
GOVPL - Government/Politics Law
GREEK - Greek
HADM - Health Adminstration
HCDD - Human-Centered Design and Dev
HDFS - Hum Dev/Family Studies
HEBR - Hebrew
HHD - Hlth and Human Dev
HIED - Higher Education
HINDI - Hindi
HIST - History
HLS - Homeland Security
HLTLW - Health Law
HM - Hospitality Management
HMN - Humanities
HONOR - Honors
HORT - Horticulture
HPA - Health Policy and Admn
HRER - Hum Res and Empmnt Rel
HRM - Human Resource Management
HSS - Human and Social Sciences
HSSCI - Health Science
HUM - Humanities
IB - International Business
IE - Industrial Engineering
IET - Industrial Engineering Tech
IHAPC - Civil Rights Appellate Clinic
IHASC - Arts, Sports, and Entertainmen
IHCAC - Criminal Appellate & Post-Conv
IHCJC - Indigent Criminal Justice Tria
IHEAC - Entrepreneur Asst Clinic
IHFLC - Family Law Clinic
IHIMC - Center for Immigrants' Rights
IHIPC - Intellectual Property Clinic
IHMLB - Manglona Lab for Gender and Ec
IHRDC - Rural Economic Development Cln
IHVSC - Veterans and Servicemembers Cl
INART - Integrative Arts
INDEP - Independent Study
INFSY - Information Systems
INSC - Information Science
INTAD - Intern Agric Development
INTAF - International Affairs
INTAG - International Agriculture
INTR - International Law
INTSP - Internship
INTST - International Studies
IPLAW - Intellectual Property Law
ISB - Interdisc Science and Business
IST - Info Sciences and Technology
IT - Italian
ITECH - Information Technology
JAPNS - Japanese
JST - Jewish Studies
KEYBD - Music-Keyboard
KINES - Kinesiology
KOR - Korean
LA - Liberal Arts
LABR - Labor/Employment Law
LANG - Languages
LARCH - Landscape Architecture
LATIN - Latin
LDT - Learning Design and Technology
LEAD - Leadership Development
LGWR - Labor & Global Workers' Rights
LHR - Labor And Human Resources
LING - Linguistics
LLED - Language / Literacy Education
LLM - Master of Law
LNGSC - Language Science
LPE - Law, Policy, and Engineering
LST - Library Studies
LTNST - Latina/o Studies
LWIND - Penn State Law Independent Stu
LWLLM - Master of Laws Classes
LWPER - Legal/Social Law Perspectives
MANGT - Management
MATH - Mathematics
MATSE - Materials Science and Engr
MBADM - Business Administration
MBIOM - Microbiome Sciences
MCIBS - Molec Cellu & Intg Biosciences
MDADM - Medicine - Interdisciplinary
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MED - Medicine
MEDSP - Medical Spanish
MEDVL - Medieval Studies
MET - Mechanical Engineering Tech
METEO - Meteorology
MFE - Master of Financial Eng
MGMT - Management
MICRB - Microbiology
MICRO - Microbiology
MIS - Management Information Systems
MKTG - Marketing
MNG - Mining
MNGMT - Management
MNGT - Mining Technology
MNPR - Mineral Processing
MPEDS - Med/Peds
MRKT - Marketing
MSR - Medical Student Research
MTHED - Mathematics Education
MUED - Music Education
MUSIC - Music
NAVSC - Naval Science
NBS - Neural and Behavioral Science
NEURO - Neuroscience
NSURG - Neurosurgery
NUCE - Nuclear Engineering
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OBGYN - Obstetrics and Gynecology
OLEAD - Organizational Leadership
OPHTH - Ophthalmology
OR - Operations Research
ORTHO - Orthopaedics
OS - Occupational Science
OT - Occupational Therapy
OTO - Otolaryngology
PADM - Public Administration
PAS - Physician Assistant Studies
PATH - Pathology
PCMED - Primary Care Medicne
PED - Pediatrics
PERCN - Music-Percussion
PES - Polymer Engineering Science
PHARM - Pharmacology
PHIL - Philosophy
PHOTO - Photography
PHP - Public Health Preparedness
PHS - Public Health Sciences
PHSIO - Physiology
PHYS - Physics
PLANT - Plant
PLBIO - Plant Biology
PLET - Plastics Engineering Tech
PLSC - Political Science
PMR - Phys Med & Rehabilitation
PNG - Petroleum and Nat Gas Engr
PORT - Portuguese
PPATH - Plant Pathology
PPEM - Plant Path and Enviro Micro
PPOL - Public Policy Analysis
PRORP - Professional Responsibility
PROSK - Professional Skills
PS - Patients and Sciences
PSCHT - Psychiatry
PSIO - Physiology
PSLFY - Penn State Law First Year
PSU - PSU First-Year Seminar
PSY - Psychology
PSYC - Psychology
PSYCH - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
PUBPL - Public Policy
QC - Quality Control
QMM - Quality and Manufacturing Mgmt
RAD - Radiology
RADSC - Radiological Sciences
REN - Renal Medicine
REQ - Required
RESP - Respiratory Medicine
REST - Real Estate
RHS - Rehab and Human Services
RISE - Rch Integrity & Schol Ethics
RLST - Religious Studies
RM - Risk Management
RPTM - Rec, Park, and Tourism Mgmt
RSOC - Rural Sociology
RTE - Railroad Transportation Engr
RUS - Russian
SAE - Students as Educators
SALAW - Study Abroad
SBN - Social and Behavioral Neurosci
SC - Science
SCIED - Science Education
SCIS - Supply Chain and Info Systems
SCM - Supply Chain Management
SEMNR - Seminar
SHS - Science Health Systems
SJD - Doctor of Juridical Science
SLAV - Slavic
SOC - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SODA - Social Data Analytics
SOILS - Soil Science
SPAN - Spanish
SPLED - Special Education
SPSY - School Psychology
SRA - Security and Risk Analysis
SSED - Social Studies Education
SSET - Schl of Science Engr and Tech
STAT - Statistics
STRNG - Music-Strings
STS - Science, Tech, and Society
SUR - Surveying
SURG - Surgery
SUST - Sustainability
SWA - Swahili
SWENG - Software Engineering
SYSEN - Systems Engineering
TAXLW - Tax Law
THEA - Theatre
THS - Translating Health Systems Sci
TRANS - Transition
TREES - Trnsdsp Rsch on Envirn
TRTM - Trial Teams
TURF - Turfgrass
UKR - Ukrainian
ULWR - Upper-Level Writing Requiremen
VBSC - Vet and Biomedical Sciences
VOICE - Music-Voice
WFED - Workforce Education
WFS - Wildlife and Fisheries Science
WGSS - Women's Gender & Sexuality Stu
WILDL - Wildlife
WLED - World Languages Education
WMNST - Women's Studies
WWNDS - Music-Woodwinds
greater than or equal to
is exactly
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Course Number
Dickinson Law
Medical School
Medical School Grad Programs
Non Credit
Penn State Law
Course Career
10 week - first
10 week - second
10 week Regular
Dynamic Dated Classes
Eight Week - First
Eight Week - Second
Four Week - First
Four Week - Fourth
Full Year
Medical DD 20 Weeks
Medical DD 37 Weeks
Medical DD 4 Weeks
Medical DD 8 Weeks
Medical Pd 1, 12 Weeks
Medical Period 1, 4 Weeks
Medical Period 1, 8 Weeks
Medical Period 2, 12 Week
Medical Period 2, 4 Weeks
Medical Period 2, 8 Weeks
Non-Credit 17 Week Session
Regular Academic Session
Semester 1
Semester 2
Seven Week - First
Seven Week - Second
Six Week - First
Six Week - Second
Twelve Week
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